It is becoming increasingly obvious that as Covid variants become ever more resilient we are not doing nearly enough to combat it in our everyday lives.

Partly, I am thinking of socially-distancing when outside our homes but, more importantly, we should be asking ourselves ‘do I really need to be outside?’

For me, the elephant in the room is the number of cars on the road. Nobody mentions it, presumably because so many people are car owners.

Following my daily walk on Sunday, I can report that the number of cars on the road in Huntington/New Earswick was high.

What were they all doing on a Sunday during a pandemic? They couldn’t all be working. Possibly they thought that when they need a pint of milk it’s acceptable to jump in the car and go to the nearest shop. Why not walk? Why not have one big shop every fortnight? Why not get your shopping delivered?

Until we all fully commit to the spirit of the lockdown, we are not going to beat or effectively control the virus, with or without a vaccine.

Guy Dowse, Meadowfields Drive, Huntington, York