A CARE leader has signed up to help fight Covid-19.

Bev Proctor, acting chief executive of the Independent Care Group (ICG), has joined the army of vaccine volunteers to help tackle the pandemic.

Bev who will be providing the vaccine from a GP surgery in York said: “Given the need to get the vaccine out quickly, particularly to vulnerable groups, it felt like the least I could do to contribute.

“It is so important to get the vaccine administered across the country and I’m happy to do what I can to help.”

Mike Padgham, chair of the ICG, said he was proud of Bev’s decision.

“This is typical of Bev, who is a very selfless and generous person, to give up her time to support the vaccination programme.

“And as a Registered Nurse, anyone getting the vaccine from Bev will be in very good hands.”

Bev joined the ICG as its operations director in 2018 and has since become acting chief executive. Prior to that her career had been predominantly in healthcare.

The ICG is a recognised representative body for independent care providers (private and voluntary).