Cover your face when clearing up after this week's floods, City of York Council is advising.

Today it issued advice on what to wear while dealing with the aftermath of the recent heavy rain.

They include wearing rubber boots, waterproof gloves and an apron and a face covering.

The advice goes on to say that hands should be washed thoroughly and any cuts should cleaned and covered with a waterproof plaster.

Floodwater contains all sorts of organisms and substances picked up on its journey downstream which it then deposits elsewhere.

The council advises against walking, cycling or driving through flood water.

The council's frontline teams are cleaning and preparing affected areas of the city's road network and other public areas for reopening, including regular cleaning at Tower Street where pumps are in operation.

Fordlands Road and its pedestrian bridge and Huntington Road have reopened.

As of this afternoon Clementhorpe at Terry Avenue junction, Main Street, Nether Poppleton, Naburn Lane in Naburn, Acaster Lane in Acaster Malbis, Knavesmire Road, and Skeldergate are closed with bus services that would normally use Skeldergate using Tower Street instead.

Esplanade and St George's Field car parks are also closed.

Executive member for environment and climate change, Cllr Paula Widdowson, said: “Even though river levels are dropping, they are still high and we will keep sandbags in place and keep the pumps running as necessary.

"Our gritting teams will be out this frosty weekend and please look out for ice when you’re out on your covid-safe, socially-distanced daily exercise.

“I’m sure you’d want to join me in thanking those teams who are working 24/7 in a covid-safe manner and who continue to monitor the rivers closely with partners including the Environment Agency, North Yorkshire Police and Fire and Rescue services. They continue to help protect us.”

The rules of wearing a mask and social distancing apply when checking that neighbours are all right.