We've got three pets of the week for you this week: a couple of delightfully flop-eared bunnies named Cabbage and Louis, and a working cocker spaniel with soulful eyes who goes by the name of Gizzie.

First up, those rabbits.

Owner Charlotte Robinson, from Osbaldwick, has had Cabbage for six months.

He's got a voracious appetite, she says. "Cabbage loves to eat nearly anything! He munches on pumpkins I have out for Halloween, and will steal bananas from us!"

But there's one food he loves above all things - and no, it isn't carrots. If you've been paying attention you won't need to be told. "He loves cabbage so much we named him Cabbage!" Charlotte says.

Cabbage is actually a dwarf lop rabbit: and he has a truly magnificent (and expressive) pair of ears.

He's also full of beans, says Charlotte. "He likes to run and jump around!"

  • Do you have a favourite pet you’d like to see featured in our ‘Pet of the Week’ column? If so, tell us about him or her here

Louis, meanwhile, has an alert little face: and judging by the photo that owner Klaudia O'Sullivan, from York, has sent in, he sometimes seems to think he may be a meerkat...

Klaudia has had him for two years. At first he could be a bit of a nuisance. "We bought three new phone chargers because Louis kept biting them"! she says.

But he's learned he shouldn't do that. These days, he loves being outdoors - and he's also very affectionate, Klaudia says. "As soon as he hears my voice he runs towards me and waits to be petted."

He also has an odd habit of wanting to sleep in the bathroom. "But apparently it's very common for bunnies," Klaudia says.

Gizzie the cocker spaniel has a few years on the two rabbits - owner Jon Noble, from Rufforth has had him for nine years.

But he loves being by Jon's side. "He even seems to read my mind and is always one step ahead!" Jon says.

Gizzie has another uncanny talent, too. "He can hear the treat drawer been opened a mile away!" Jon says.