I must respond to your on-line commentator ‘terrorbird’ who, in response to my letter ‘One rule for Barnitts - another rule for Spark’ (November 14) says I know nothing about planning law and claims Barnitts is different to Spark because Spark is only temporary.

Wrong on both counts.

I’ve submitted over a thousand planning applications and fought scores of appeals. Moreover, ‘temporary permissions do not outweigh the harm caused by inappropriate development’ according to a letter I received from York Council. Shortly afterwards they granted permission to Spark for steel boxes on a prominent site on the grounds that it would only be for three years - now extended to five!

Unfairness and double standards have been rife in the planning system for years. The temporary nature of Spark is not a justification to ignore major planning policies.

Matthew Laverack,

Laverack Associates Architects,

Lord Mayors Walk, York