A VOLUNTEER at the Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club has been recognised for her dedication, having been at the heart of the club for more than a decade.

Pam Cousen operates the club’s catering services, in the ‘galley’.

The retired home economics teacher is among 44 volunteers from across the UK celebrated in the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Volunteer Awards 2020.

The awards are held annually by the RYA to say thank you to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the sport.

Pam, 70, said: “I love doing it because there are lots of young people at the club and all of the members are lovely.

“It’s been a really nice part of my life.”

Although Pam does not sail herself, she is a much-loved member of Yorkshire Dales SC, having been invited to help set up the galley by treasurer Phil Whitehead, Pam’s brother, in 2008.

The club’s catering is “legendary,” in sailing circles and thanks to Pam’s rigorous high standards, the galley consistently earns five-star ratings from inspectors.

There is usually a glittering awards ceremony in London but this year, due to the ongoing pandemic, the awards have been presented to volunteers at their local sailing clubs or in online gatherings from the safety of home.