I refer to Sue Green’s letter ‘Flu jab online booking system dire and unusable’ (The Press, October 27).

GP practices in the York area are working in partnership to provide flu vaccinations for York people at the mass flu vaccination drive-through site at Moor Lane, York. Nimbuscare, which represents 11 GP practices, has developed an online patient booking system, accessible via PCs and laptops, so patients can choose an appointment date and time suitable for them. This is a locally NHS-funded programme, set up in just two weeks and is solely for York people.

The feedback so far has been very positive. We are aware of a small number of initial problems with entering date of birth information whilst making an appointment. We immediately changed this to make it easier. We have spoken to Sue Green and explained that this issue has been resolved.

The flu vaccination site team is helping people who arrive at the drive-through site without a booking and over the coming weeks we are hoping to offer a walk in where patients can book in from home or on site.

Patients need to bring the original communication from the practice inviting them to attend the Moor Lane site for a flu vaccination.

Nimbuscare welcomes and values any feedback on our services and you can do this by emailing york.flu@nhs.net

Adam Sutherst,

Nimbuscare Ltd, Clifton Moor, York