YORK City Council's plans to cut pollution in the city are commendable.

Can we start with supermarket delivery vans, and the problem of engine idling?

Since lockdown with increased home deliveries, it seems that these are the worst offenders, particularly Morrisons.

From correspondence I've had with them, they confirm that they have "no policy" regarding engine idling, and that the local York delivery manager has instructed drivers to leave their engines running at all times, to support the refrigeration units, even though all the doors are left open.

We know from our own fridges that it's nonsense to expect them to work properly with the door open.

Deliveries rarely take just a few minutes. Yesterday, a Morrisons van was outside my house with its engine running and doors open for eight minutes - this happens regularly.

Morrisons corporate responsibility statement from their website regarding reducing carbon emissions, states "In 2019, we launched our science-based operational carbon reduction target. This ambitious and stretching target will see us reduce emissions by 33 per cent by 2025, 53 per cent by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2040."

Perhaps a good place to start would be to instruct their delivery drivers to 'kick the habit'?!

Wendy Borman,

Lotherington Avenue,
