Twenty-three students have been advised to self-isolate after a second York secondary school today reported its first positive case of Covid-19.

Archbishop Holgate’s School's head teacher Andrew Daly has written to parents to inform them of the news and offer assurances that the school was continuing to monitor the situation and working closely with Public Health England.  

Earlier today, The Press reported that a sixth form student at Huntington School had also tested positive for Covid-19

It is understood the student involved at Archbishop Holgate's is in Year 9.

Mr Daly said in his letter that the small number of students who had been in direct prolonged contact with the individual had received a letter and would be staying at home for a period of self isolation. 

The school remains open. 

A spokesperson for Pathfinder Multi Academy Trust, of which Archbishop Holgate’s School is a member, said: "We have been advised by Public Health England that there has been a confirmed case of Covid-19 at Archbishop Holgate’s School.

"The individual has not been in school since they developed symptoms and has been self-isolating, as per government advice.

"Following advice from Public Health England, a small number of students have been advised to self-isolate.

Mr Daly said: “As cases of the virus increase in York and across the country more schools are being affected and unfortunately, this has been the case at Archbishop Holgate’s.

"Our social distancing measures and bubbles within school have meant that only a small number of students have been asked to self-isolate as a precautionary measure.”