A YORK mum has spoken about the struggles she has faced trying to book a coronavirus test for her young son.

Amy, who lives in Osbaldwick, said she has been trying on and off from 10.30pm last night (Thursday) to book a test or order a home testing kit through the gov.uk website and by calling the 119 number, but as of 1pm today had not been able to.

Her eight-year-old son has a fever and a headache, she said.

Amy explained: "For the last 12 hours I have been trying to book a test/home test kit for my eight-year-old.

"He's had one day back at school and was due to attend today before starting full time next week.

"Due to a fever he now needs a test and our household is to self isolate.

"For the last 12 hours I have been on the gov.uk website and on the 119 number for help. No tests are available - walk-in, drive-through or home testing kits.

"The website also says some walk-in centres do not accept under 18-year-olds."

She eventually managed to get through to someone using the 119 number. She said they told her that new appointments would be released at 8pm and more home testing kits would be made available every few hours.

Meanwhile, Nicholas Nevin, of Stamford Bridge, said he and his wife have also spent hours trying to book a test or order a home testing kit through the gov.uk website since early this morning, as their five-year-old son has a fever and a loss of appetite. But he said every time they have tried no drive-in or walk-in testing has been available in York. The website doesn’t offer alternatives, he added.

He commented: "I have tried a few different postcodes and it comes up with the same result - 'We are currently experiencing a very high demand for test site appointments.'

"The only other option is call the 119 number which seems to act as a helpline and doesn't appear to let you book a test.

"The testing system is letting the public down and likely to cause the virus to spread if people can’t get tested.

He said he and his family will all have to self isolate for 14 days "without knowing whether or when we might get a test."

The Press approached the Department of Health and Social Care for a response, and a spokesperson said: “NHS Test and Trace is working and our capacity is the highest it has ever been but we are seeing a significant demand for tests including from people who do not have symptoms and are not otherwise eligible.

“New booking slots and home testing kits are made available daily for those who need them and we are targeting testing capacity at the areas that need it most, including those where there is an outbreak, and prioritising at-risk groups.

“Our laboratories are processing more than a million tests a week and we recently announced new facilities and technology to process results even faster. If you do not have symptoms and are not eligible to get a test you can continue to protect yourself if you wash your hands, wear a face covering and follow social distancing rules.”

A coronavirus testing facility opened at Poppleton Park&Ride in York in April.