A YOUNG gymnast from York has collaborated with a dance photographer to produce stunning images using water and light.

Naomi Sharp, 15, turned her skills to helping to create the pictures after the Covid-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of gymnastic competitions.

Naomi normally makes a trip five days a week to train at Wakefield Gymnastics Club, one of the leading clubs in the country in acrobatic gymnastics.

Naomi, a Year 11 student at Manor CE Academy in York, has competed all over the UK, winning competitions in Wales and representing Yorkshire at a national level.

The 2019/20 season held great potential for the young gymnast, until injury and the Covid-19 pandemic robbed her of the opportunity to compete at the 2020 Yorkshire Championship, as well as at the 2020 Las Vegas International Acro Cup.

Andrew Sharp, Naomi’s dad, said: “Undeterred, Naomi displayed tenacity and determination, continuing to train in the back garden of her home in York throughout the period of lockdown, no matter the weather.”

August brought a return to reduced training sessions back in Wakefield, but with no prospect of upcoming competitions due to Covid restrictions, Naomi turned her gymnastics skills to a photographic collaboration.

The youngster joined renowned dance photographer, Simon Wright, of GB Dancestars, in Sheffield, for a water-based photo shoot.

Andrew added: “Naomi’s photographs display grace and power in some captivating shots that combine the creative use of water and light with the artistry of gymnastics to produce seamless flowing motion.

“Her story can be a lesson for us all.

"Life will always throw us challenges, but get back up, dust yourself down, and go again.”