WE love our pets - they are part of our family and often our best friend!

That's why The Press would love to share photos of your precious pets with readers - and stories of why they are so special to you.

We are launching our new My Pet and Me feature - and would love York pet owners to take part.

To send us your photos of your special pet, click here to fill out our online form.

York Press:

We want to see all kinds of animals - from the smallest goldfish to the largest St Bernard!

And we want to hear all your stories about why your pet is so precious and any amusing anecdotes about life with your pet.

Perhaps you have an unusual animal, or a pet that has overcome challenges in its life. Or done something remarkable. Let us know!

York Press:

Do you have a rescue animal with a story you'd like to share?

Or have you had your pet for a very long time?

Or perhaps you have a working animal, such as guide dog?

Whatever, we want to see your photos and hear your pet tales.

To take part, click here to fill out this easy online form.