York's council leader has praised the city's residents and businesses for the way they have dealt with the opening of pubs, restaurants, hairdressers and churches.

But Cllr Keith Aspden warned everyone not to relax their vigilance against coronavirus.

The major easing of lockdown restrictions has so far happened without major incident in York.

Speaking after many hospitality businesses saw their first customers in months, Cllr Keth Aspden said: "This weekend has marked a milestone in the city’s recovery from coronavirus.

"We have been glad to see residents and visitors start to enjoy our beautiful city whilst being considerate, welcoming and safe.

“We want to thank everyone for playing their part in supporting our local economy and slowing the spread of coronavirus, and we recognise the adaptations, many from small and independent businesses, that have taken place across the city. We know how hard you have had to work to adapt your premises so you can safely reopen for your staff and customers.

“Whether that’s meant wearing a face covering when out and about, waiting outside for moment if a shop is at capacity or maintaining a safe distance from one another – thank you for playing your part.

“York has fortunately had low numbers of coronavirus cases and we want to keep it that way.

"This means continuing to social distance, wash our hands regularly and stay home and get a test if you have symptoms. Each of us have an important role to play in keeping York safe.”

He said businesses that have yet to open can get a free business recovery toolkit from the council and download resources from its website www.york.gov.uk/letsbeyork.

“We want every resident help shape York’s continued recovery from the significant challenges we all face as a result of coronavirus, and as part of this we are asking residents to join Our Big Conversation and share their views on the impact of coronavirus and our local response," he said.