POLICE have condemned revellers who left piles of rubbish behind on York's riverside last night - despite the council's new 'don't be a tosser' anti-litter campaign.

A big clean-up operation has been launched this morning, with one volunteer filling three bags of rubbish - including dirty nappies.

Officers took to Twitter in disgust last night at the scenes in the Kings Staith area after large groups who had gathered drinking on the riverside left the area.

They tweeted:"Just a reminder that there are some people who don’t care about our beautiful city. Or are lazy. Or think other people should clean up after them."

They said City of York Council was telling people 'Don't be a tosser' in its new campaign to prevent littering, adding: "It seems they can’t read as well."

The council's new signs read: "Why are you tossing litter around here?" and next to tickboxes have three possible answers: "I'm lazy... I don't care about this community...I think other people should pay to clean up after me." The signs end: "Don't be a tosser. You brought your rubbish here, please take it home with you."

Police tweeted today that cycle patrols had been conducted this morning by the riverside, and City of York Council and local volunteers had been busy cleaning the area after yesterday.

"One volunteer was on her third bag of rubbish!" they said. "She shouldn’t have to clear up dirty nappies. Please leave our lovely riverside as you find it."