A COUPLE from York celebrates their 65th wedding anniversary with a small socially distanced street party with their neighbours yesterday.

John and Edna Taylor live in Alderley Court in Huntington. The pair have been taking part in the weekly Clap for Carers campaign to show their gratitude to NHS staff working through the coronavirus pandemic.

However, as the campaign has now ended, yesterday the couple were treated to a small gathering of their neighbours to celebrate the 65-year milestone.

Those that attended celebrated with food and drinks along with some music and singing.

Gordon Taylor, one of those in attendance, said: “Despite the rain spirits were undampened and all enjoyed the evening.”

The couple were married in Pocklington Church on 4 June 1955. They moved to York 1956 and to Alderley Court Huntington 29 years ago when they bought their bungalow.

They have one son together.