The media, particularly the television, seem intent on panicking the entire population over the Coronavirus outbreak.

This virus must be looked at in context. About 3,000 people worldwide have died from the virus, many already having underlying health problems. On average between 290,000 and 650,000 people die worldwide from flu annually. Let’s get this in perspective and stop the panic.

Les Coverdale,

Elvington, York

Not Happy Birthday but Forgive our foolish ways

Boris Johnson says we should sing Happy Birthday while washing our hands (Coronavirus – four more test positive, March 3). Maybe better words would be ‘Dear Lord and Father of Mankind forgive our foolish ways’.

Maureen Robinson, Broadway, York

Why don’t GP surgeries all have hand gel?

Why aren’t hand-gel sanitizers used in all GP surgeries as they are in hospitals?

Geoff Robb,

Dunnington, York