NORTHERN Powergrid is asking parents and guardians to talk to the young people in their lives about the dangers of playing near the region’s electricity network.

The electricity distributor is recommending that parents spend just five minutes this February half-term reminding children to stay away and stay safe if playing outdoors.

Geoff Earl, director of safety, health and environment at Northern Powergrid, said: “Thousands of school children are likely to be spending time outdoors enjoying the break from school.

“We want to ensure they stay safe.

“It’s vital that young people are reminded of the dangers of power lines and substations and understand that interfering, accidentally or otherwise, with any part of our electricity network could potentially prove fatal.

“That’s why we’re asking all parents and guardians to spend just a few minutes chatting with their children about the potential hazards so they know what to do should they see anything hanging from our power lines or they know what to do should they accidentally kick a ball into one of our substations.”

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