TREE and wildflower planting is getting underway - as residents and councillors look forward to spring in the city.

New trees will be planted at Badger Hill play area, next to Badger Wood Walk, off Field Lane as part of the project.

Areas on the university side of the big roundabout near B&Q will also be planted with wildflowers - with the aim of increasing biodiversity and saving money on the cost of cutting the grass.

Planting will also stretch along part of Field Lane under the trial.

Hull Road councillors want their ward to become the first in the city to create wildflower verges.

Cllr George Norman said: “We’re committed to greening Hull Road ward and the wildflower and tree planting initiatives are both key parts of that commitment.

“We have seen a positive response from residents already following the planting of 250,000 daffodils and crocuses down most of Hull Road itself, so we hope this will be equally well received."

The initiative has been launched by the council, the University of York and Badger Hill Residents' Association.

Members of the Conservation Volunteers charity will be working on the scheme - and Cllr Michael Pavlovic said he aims to see flowers planted in other parts of the ward too.

He said: “We have Archbishop Holgate’s school as well as Badger Hill Primary close to much of this planting, some of which we are funding through our ward budget.

"I hope these efforts to increase the number of trees, as well as biodiversity, will be something the schools are interested in and keen for their pupils to learn more about.

“It’s about doing everything we can to make the ward as nice a place to live as possible, including using trees, flowers and open space to contribute to good mental wellbeing for our residents."