The internet was nearly broken with distasteful comments as Phillip Schofield came ‘out of the broom cupboard!’

Unbelievable! Why?

Surely nobody cares in our work if we are gay, straight or whatever...we are just us!

Why would it even be a thing? Does it affect anything that he is able to do?

I don’t need to know about someone’s sexuality...and do you really need to know about mine? Why would you?

If you’re superb at your job and a pleasure to work with that’s all that matters.

The thing that worries me about this is that in 2020 it is as big a headline as Rock Hudson surprising womankind in the mid-1980s.

The world has turned for 35 years since then. Should this really be first bong on the news in the 21st century?

He’s a bloke...on telly...who’s great at his job and who dared to go grey (rare!). That’s all.

Ian Donaghy,

Heslington Road, York