It would appear that it is not only the Labour Party that has not been listening.

The EU negotiating team, and Michel Barnier in particular, seem to be suffering from the same malady as the UK’s Lib Dem Party - unable to accept that the 2016 referendum actually happened, that it produced the result that it did, or that the general election of December 12 produced the result that it did.

The EU continue to think that the UK still has a Parliament dominated by MPs that are willing to use any means to avoid acknowledging the result.

As a prelude to the forthcoming trade talks, we can expect more of the badgering, bullying and blackmailing tactics from the EU that served them so well in the days of Mrs May.

But those days are over. Money talks. The industrial giants of Germany and France will not allow the posturing of Barnier et al to interfere with their profit margins.

The UK may be geographically an island, but in so many other ways we are, and always will be, part of Europe

Malcolm Glover,

Lindsey Avenue,York