THE Management Suite at York's Vangarde Shopping Park has become a ‘Safe Place’ to offer a safe and supportive location to people feeling scared or vulnerable.

Safe Places operate across the city in buildings such as libraries, cafes and shops where anyone feeling lost, unwell or confused while out and about can seek help.

By showing a card with their name and details of a trusted contact to a member of Vangarde on-site team, they will receive the support they need.

This could be by staff phoning the trusted contact and waiting with the vulnerable person until they arrive.

The Vangarde on-site team have successfully taken part in the York CVS awareness session, which helped them understand what to do if someone requires their assistance. This makes Vangarde the 21st Safe Place location in York.

Debs O’Donnell, Vangarde centre manager, said: “We wanted to be part of the Safe Places scheme because it really falls in line with our customer service values. We want every visitor to feel safe and welcome at Vangarde, so anything we can do to enhance accessibility is really positive.”