Lowther Street and Penley’s Grove Street are not rat runs (Moves to stop rat run traffic, October 30). They are essential through routes established decades ago when planners first decided to restrict traffic in the wider residential streets and so prevented the dispersal of traffic across York.

There has been no proper consultation with residents or business operators who are going to be detrimentally impacted by further restrictions and the displacement of traffic; let alone the poor drivers who are going to be stuck in even worse queues trying to get to their destinations.

As an interviewee who took part in the Groves Regeneration Project I was never asked my opinion on these road closures and no one ever told me anything about it. There is going to be chaos and gridlock. This city needs more road closures and bottlenecks like an alcoholic needs another crate of whiskey.

Matthew Laverack,

Lord Mayors Walk, York