EXTRA beds for rough sleepers will be provided again this winter.

From tomorrow, November 1, there will be 29 emergency beds available for people living on the streets - and they can also bring their dogs into the accommodation.

Cllr Denise Craghill said every rough sleeper is offered a bed - and that the council and charities carry out early morning walks across the city to reach as many people as possible.

“Rough sleeping has increased by 132 per cent nationally since 2010 with only a small decrease of 6 per cent nationally during 2018-19.

"We have secured nearly £400,000 funding for 2019/20 to explore new ways to prevent it, as sleeping on the street lowers life expectancy to 47 years.

“With our partners The Salvation Army, Changing Lives, Peasholme Charity, Restore, Yes Below Zero, Carecent and KEY, we continue to offer all known people sleeping rough help to get off the street and into safer, more stable lifestyle, including extra support for people with mental health and substance misuse issues."

The Yes Below Zero scheme is looking for volunteers.

If you can help please email atbarnett33@gmail.com.

If you see a rough sleeper contact Street Link at streetlink.org.uk.