ILLEGAL drug use in York is "causing significant harm" to the city and residents - according to a councillor.

And Cllr Pete Kilbane will tell City of York Council that tackling the problem should be an "urgent priority".

He said county lines - which sees drug dealing gangs work across towns and cities, often exploiting children and vulnerable people as part of their criminal activity - are increasing illegal drug use and heaping pressure on health services.

At a full council meeting next Thursday, he will put forward a motion asking the local authority to help support drug users and communities affected by drugs. He has called for teamwork between health services, housing specialists and the police to tackle the problem.

A report prepared for the meeting says the council could note "the devastating impact that the trade in drugs has on individuals and communities, including the exploitation of vulnerable adults and children, increased crime and anti-social behaviour in our neighbourhoods and the ensnaring of people into a life of illicit drug dependency".

This week The Press reported how York has been described as one of the hardest hit areas in the region by county lines drug dealing gangs.