REGIMENTAL pride was at stake for soldiers from York as they raced against each other in a relay challenge.

Over 850 participants from across the country gathered in North Yorkshire to take on the First UK Division’s Bismarck Relay Challenge held in Strensall.

The troops, who were organised into teams of four, had the chance to represent their respective units on the training area of Queen Elizabeth Barracks, home of the 2nd Medical Brigade.

There were more than 200 teams present with some units committing multiple teams.

Major Chris Roberts, who manages the development of physical training and sport within the York-based First UK Division, said: “It’s great to see all these people here, enjoying themselves and getting to have a day away from the office.

“We’ve got that team spirit and ethos here.

“With an effort of this magnitude, it’s about getting it right and making sure everything is set up properly. We’ve been blessed with good weather.”

Teams were split into male, female and mixed versions, with all entrants required to carry 15kg in their day sacks over a course of four miles before handing over their relay baton.

The Yorkshire Regiment (2 YORKS) came away with the top prize, on what they might consider home turf, with a time of just over 2 hours 22 minutes and 31 seconds.

This was over 30 seconds faster than their nearest competitors, the Thirsk-based Six Regiment Royal Logistic Corps.

The race was previously held in Herford, Germany, when there was a considerably larger UK forces footprint in the country.