A PRIMARY school band from York School are set to grace the stage at Flamingo Land’s Party in the Park, after winning the public vote.

Bangers and Thrash, a band of six nine year-olds from Cundall Manor school, were the only primary school band in the finals competing against some of the brightest young musical talent in the region.

Sarah Reece, Cundall Manor School’s director of music, said: “We were delighted that our boys made the final of the competition. They love playing as a band and to win the competition is amazing.”

After claiming 27% of the public vote in the 'Battle of the Bands' competition run by Minster FM, the boys will get to perform at their biggest ever gig to date as part of a series of concerts at Flamingo Land this summer.

Minster FM’s breakfast host, Laura Castle, said: "Every act that got involved with Battle of the Bands has been great and we can’t wait to see Bangers and Thrash rocking out in August."