A BID to bring a community garden to a derelict patch of land amid terrace streets in York, and the woman behind it, have been nominated for three awards.

The Lanes Community Garden in Clifton and organiser Hatti McKenzie have been put up for Best Community Project, Good Neighbour of the Year and Person of the Year in the Community Pride Awards.

The Lanes is a bid by a group to transform a triangle of derelict land at the end of Pembroke Street in to a green oasis for people who live in the surrounding terraced streets, where outside space is at a premium.

A committee of seven people, including Hatti, who is a local artist, and ward councillor Danny Myers, have joined forces to help fundraise and make their idea become a reality. Recently they secured £5,000 from TalkTalk and held a fund-raising garden party which garnered just shy of £300.

Hatti and the project were nominated for the award by Newborough Street resident Jordan Gore who said: “The community garden has really brought the neighbourhood together. Living in a terrace you don’t always get to know your neighbours and the project has been a great way to do that. Hatti herself has been fantastic, working tirelessly to galvanise efforts and bring everyone together. Every community needs a woman like Hatti.”

Hatti said: “I am absolutely amazed and thrilled to be put forward for an award. The garden developed after it occurred to me that in these unsettled and scary times we needed cheering up, we could do with more kindness, colour and space for kids to safely ride their bikes. So I looked around for places to create a garden.

“Its now a group effort so many people are lit up by the idea of trees and plants and growing things to attract bees, insects, birds and bats - it’s very uplifting.”

The Community Pride Awards are run in partnership with City of York Council and the main sponsor is York-based health insurance company Benenden Health.

All nominees must live in, or contribute to the community within the City of York Council area. Three finalists from each category will be invited to the awards ceremony at York Racecourse in October, when the winners will be revealed.

Entries can be posted to York Community Pride Awards, The Press, 84-86 Walmgate, York YO1 9YN. Or you can submit your nomination online at yorkpress.co.uk/communitypride

The closing date for entries is Friday, July 26. Nominations must include a supporting statement of no more than two sides of A4 with each entry and must include a photograph, which unfortunately we will be unable to return.