THE two major 20th century wars which we ‘won’ effectively bankrupted this country.

By contrast, win, draw or lose the US emerged considerably richer from every war it ever fought. It won the Indian, Mexican, Spanish, Central American, Barbary Coast and Cold War, plus World Wars One and Two. The Korean War was effectively a draw and Vietnam was a very clear defeat.

I believe that Donald Trump, as a businessman, would have recognised an opportunity earlier than the patrician politician President Roosevelt and taken the US into World War Two rather than waiting for Pearl Harbor to force it in.

As a matter of interest the US Marine Hymn ‘From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli” refers to the Mexican War and the defeat of the North African Barbary Coast pirates after the Royal Navy withdrew its protection from American traders in the Mediterranean.

A V Martin,

Westfield Close,

Wigginton, York