YORK Minster masons have demonstrated their skilled work with mortars, including the use of locally burned magnesian lime.

They have also given demonstrations of mixing earth, earthlime and hot mixed lime mortars, as well as traditionally made putty lime, hot limewashes/sheltercoats and hot lime grouts.

People watching at York Minster Stoneyard were invited to get involved and have a go.

A symposium in York has also given the latest insight into traditional mortars.

The Building Limes Forum ‘Traditional Mortars Symposium,’ supported by Historic England and Historic Environment Scotland, took place last week in St Anthony’s Hall and the Stoneyard.

It aimed to bring together current thinking and knowledge about traditional mortars, presenting recent research outcomes, revised heritage agency guidance and case studies from around the UK, Ireland, Spain and Canada. Speakers drew upon experience in using traditional mortars for the repair and conservation of historic fabric and shared their insights.