PLANS to extend a mental health hospital in York could create up to 150 jobs.

Patients suffering from complex illnesses including eating disorders and personality problems could benefit from the proposals for a new facility at The Retreat in Heslington Road.

The Schoen Clinic, which took over two units at the hospital in December, says work could begin on the £13 million extension later this year if planning permission is granted.

A spokesman for the organisation said there is potential to provide extra mental health services, including a unit specialising in men’s mental health, at the new facility but this is still under discussion.

The spokesman said: “Schoen Clinic is currently working with the other providers, commissioners and regulators to determine need, and men’s services are a part of that ongoing discussion. The proposals represent a major inward investment into the city and one that will deliver new and relocated healthcare services within new purpose built facilities.”

Residents were invited to a consultation last week to hear about the proposals.

The new building would be two or three storeys high and provide more than 3,400sqm of floor space, but would be set down into the landscape to appear lower.

Fishergate councillor Dave Taylor said: “It was useful for people to see the plans at the public exhibition and I am assured that the relevant healthcare organisations are now being consulted - which was my primary concern.

“Any new hospital would have to enhance local provision and not exploit the existing system.

“In terms of planning there are difficulties with the heritage of the site, the green belt, and with highway access, but if the company wishes to take things further, and work with York Mental Health Partnership, then it’d be useful to see a 3D model of how any building could fit into the environment near The Retreat.”

Access to the site would be from University Road and the internal road through the site would be changed. A planning application has not yet been submitted but a spokesman said if plans go ahead the project would be completed in late 2021.

A spokesperson from Schoen Clinic York said: “It was pleasure to have the opportunity to continue to discuss our proposed plans with the York healthcare community, local residents, and others at Wednesday’s exhibition.

"We look forward to continuing to work with the Health and Wellbeing Board, the York Mental Health Partnership, and other key stakeholders to continue to be able to provide the best care for patients in a proposed state of the art building.

"The relatively small 2.46 acre site chosen for the new building is set within the more developed, northern part of The Retreat estate.

"The proposed site has been selected due to the proposed development having minimal impact on public views, the local road network and existing uses and is carefully designed to complement the surrounding area.

"Having gained insightful feedback from the local community at the exhibition, we will continue discussions and building design amendments in advance of making a planning application later in 2019.”