A YORK pre-school is among the first to benefit from grants from a local foundation.

Stepping Stones, of Strensall, has received £1,000 from The Pavers Foundation, the employee-led charitable trust set up by family-owned local shoe retailer Pavers.

The grant will help fund a new interactive whiteboard.

Pavers established the foundation in 2018 to enable charity giving by the business and its 1,700 staff and has pledged to give £2.3m to good causes.

All staff have the opportunity to nominate causes close their heart, which relate to health, education or community projects in their local area.

So far, a total of £73,800 has been awarded to the first round of 25 applications, with donations ranging from £500 to £11,000.

Pavers graphic designer, Kerry Bunting, said: "I applied for the grant for Stepping Stones as my eldest previously went to the pre-school and my youngest still attends.

"It is entirely self-funded and they hold many events to help raise money for equipment and facilities."