I have just watched the wildlife on the once pristine islands of the Galapagos and the sea creatures choking on a never-ending tide of plastic washed in on every change in the wind.

We can see this too on UK beaches. It really is not much use blaming ourselves as consumers because action needs to be taken at source.

Jim Ratcliffe, the CEO of Ineos, the chemicals group of companies, makes his billions producing a wide range of chemical products but notably plastics. He clearly doesn’t care a jot for the environment his companies are choking with plastics.

If a small part of his profits went into chemical research to break down plastics of all types back into feedstock or harmless products then a solution would be found.

The problem has to be solved at source.

The government must compel Mr Ratcliffe to find ways of reprocessing plastics. Sending waste to third world countries who then dump it in rivers for worldwide pollution or burn some of it is not a solution.

Government compulsion is necessary.

Chris Clayton,

Hempland Drive,York