I have read with interest the letters about whether ‘to merge or not to merge’ on the ring road roundabouts.

I now avoid them like the plague, not because of the difficulty of merging but as a result of an incident I was involved in.

I joined the A64 at the Grimston Bar roundabout and turned off at the Hopgrove roundabout, into the centre of the three lanes, and saw there was an SUV towing a twin axle caravan in front in the same lane.

This combination was going quite slowly, giving me plenty of time to overtake using the merge lane then pull in front of the SUV without hindering its progress.

I pulled out to overtake and as I approached the junction indicated my intention to turn on to the A1237.

As I turned I was hit broadside by the SUV, which I later established intended to go to the caravan site on Old Malton Road.

I was sure that with the road markings and signage, together with my dashcam footage, I would not be held to blame. Wrong.

My insurance company thought differently and blamed me.

I spoke to two police traffic officers and they recommended that I appeal, but to no avail.

I cannot reconcile that the person in the right lane is in the wrong and the person in the wrong lane is in the right, so on these merging lanes it appears to be a case of ‘Drivers Beware’.

Harry Welch,

Osbaldwick, York