A LOCAL primary school is celebrating a right royal success in a major national competition.

Pocklington Community Junior School is celebrating its first win at Rock Challenge and J Rock, with the pupils' performance The Queen: Lifelong Figurehead, Inspirational Woman.

Teachers Miss Birrell and Miss Millar and 70 of the children took part in creating the theme, choreography and drama for the piece.

The resulting performance captured key moments in the Queen's life, from her childhood lived in the public eye to the present day.

Miss Millar said: "We are so proud of the children and the effort they put into the show.

"Rock Challenge allows us to work across year groups and, as a team, to create something spectacular.

"We are ecstatic that all the hard work has shone through."

As well as winning the overall competition, the school picked up

11 awards, including those in the Entertainment, Soundtrack and Set Design categories, as well as a special award voted for by all those attending the event.

Rock Challenge and J Rock, which has an anti-drugs message, aims to give kids an adrenaline high from the buzz of performing for an audience.

Teams have up to eight minutes to perform their piece to an audience that includes industry professionals.

The competition took place at The Barbican on March 25.

Headteacher Mr Reppold said: "Rock Challenge offers the children a real chance to embrace and explore the arts.

"Some have performed for the last three years and others for the first time, but I feel it is important that they can follow their passion for drama and dance alongside the curriculum.

"As a community school we are proud that parents are an intrinsic part of making this event happen and are very supportive from rehearsals through to the final show."