A SERIES of artworks have been created by a York artist for the Minster’s Easter celebrations.

Jerry Scott has created 14 pieces to mark the stations of the cross throughout Lent and Easter.

His contemporary interpretation of Christ’s passion, which combines hand drawn and digitally created elements, is described as “both beautiful and challenging”.

The exhibition fulfils a life-long ambition for Jerry, who is a regular worshipper at the Minster: “Christ’s journey to the cross is a subject which has preoccupied me since childhood.

“The stations of the cross have always struck me as a potent distillation of the human agony of his last hours and at the same time of God’s love for mankind.

“As an artist I began thinking about trying to tackle this subject many years ago.”

Dating from around the 15th century, the 14 stations of the cross, which depict Jesus’s journey from condemnation to crucifixion are an important Easter tradition.

At each station, prayers are offered, hymns are sung and there is time to reflect on Jesus’s anguish and suffering.

Of his artworks, which have been donated to the Minster, Jerry said: “I first started working on them about four years ago.

“It was a daunting undertaking as I tried to find the visual means with which I might be able to communicate something worthwhile about the subject matter.

“There were numerous revisions and much reworking.

“Creating the work is a private, solitary business and in contrast it is a great joy to share them in the glorious setting of the Minster.”

Rev Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood, canon chancellor at York Minster, said: “The pictures are abstract and this provides a wonderful opportunity to look carefully to see what might be there.”