Perhaps the greatest insult that Gove, Johnson, Rees-Mogg, Farage, Davis, Fox and others have visited on the British people is the assumption that they can spout whatever comes into their heads because we are all as incapable of understanding the EU as they are.

They’re still at it, these wealthy men who need never worry about using food banks, losing their pensions, or being dependent on the NHS. When they urge a no-deal Brexit without paying our contractual debts with the EU, they gloss over which nations across the world, if any, would sign trade deals with a UK that does not honour its agreements.

Similarly contemptuous of us are May, Corbyn and others who propose extending Article 50 by weeks or months. They know it’s not possible. They count on us not knowing that because the EU is a democracy the UK cannot extend the deadline for Article 50 without the agreement of all the member states.

The only thing that the UK can do without agreement of the other members is to cancel Article 50, without incurring any penalties: ie postpone or cancel Brexit.

You can be a member or stop being a member but you cannot force rule changes on other members without agreement.We need ministers and MPs on all sides to stop fantasising and agree on a way forward.

Christian Vassie,

Wheldrake, York

The EU were never going to make it easy

IN reply to Helen Webster (Letters, January 24), Theresa May may not have got a great deal for the UK, but let’s face it the EU were never going to make it easy for us to leave, because they don’t want us to.

The deal she was eventually able to make is as close to what the ‘people’ voted for as we’re likely to get.

Labour would not back any deal they just want a general election. The SNP don’t want to leave: like many other MPs, they want to stop it completely, so would never vote for any deal.

Love her or loathe her that woman is amazing, how she gets out of bed on a morning I really don’t know.

If the politicians won’t listen to the people we will have to take a leaf out of France’s book, get the high viz jackets on and take to the streets. We voted leave.

Hazel Ward,

Yarburgh Way, York