Another knife in the side for the tourism sector from Labour’s Stuart Barnes, who wants to introduce a £1 voluntary tourist levy (The Press, January 22).

He claims the fee would be added to visitors’ hotel bills at the end of their stay and they could opt out of paying.

What are they thinking? I have chaired ‘HAY’, the Hospitality Association York, for several years and it staggers me the attitude and of local leaders about our sector.

Cllr Barnes claims ‘some’ local residents are concerned about the impact of tourism on the city centre. To date I see no facts or figures to support such claims.

This sector generates over £100,000,000 a year from hotels, not to mention what our customers spend in the city.

Neither the hotels or the Association were even asked to offer an opinion about such a charge.

I would have thought local leaders should be encouraging tourists, not steering them away with further charges.

Cllr Barnes claims this money would be ringfenced and spent on things like antisocial behaviour, employing street rangers and clearing up litter. Just over two years ago the BID, which a number of city centre hotels contribute to, was brought in to do just this.

The Lib Dems’ Cllr Keith Aspden mentioned they will be exploring the tourist levy.

He states they look forward to working with other parties in the discussion. Well, it would be a start if they spoke with the hospitality sector.

The Hospitality Association York are totally opposed to this further charge.

Graham Usher,

Chair, ‘HAY’, and Director of Mattgray Hospitality Consultants,

Brayton, Selby