I have been watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and was struck by how similar the Ask The Audience option is to a referendum.

If the question is easy, most of the audience get it right but if the question is a difficult one very few get it right.

I think David Cameron chose to walk away because he knew that leaving the EU was the wrong choice.

Brexiteers think it was the right choice and are now wanting to take a gamble on it.

They are possibly encouraged by the support they are getting from friends like Trump and Putin.

P Dawson,

Fordlands Road,

Fulford, York

Brexit will scar our politics for years

Before the 2016 Brexit referendum, you published a letter which read: “How will a Government function, either Labour or Conservative, when the majority of its MPs will not believe in the cause they are expected to support and make successful? The result will be bitterness and division that will scar politics for years.”

And so has it has come to pass.

A central point in the Brexit argument was that it will “give us control of our borders” and bring about a significant reduction in immigration to the UK. However, the latest immigration figures show that in the past year more than 230,000 migrants have arrived “from the rest of world”, the largest increase into the UK since 2004.

So as more EU migrants return home, more from outside the EU move in.

Post-colonial guilt will ensure that no political party will be able to significantly reduce immigration from Asia and Africa in the foreseeable future. Working class white voters in the old manufacturing towns, for years treated with indifference by the media and the mainstream political parties, showed their frustration and voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU. They may live to regret it.

The current immigration panic, with Sajid Javid acting like a latter day Corporal Jones over a few hundred desperate refugees attempting to get into the UK via the back door (ie the English Channel) while the front door is wide open to the more savvy, shows all you need to know about the replacement of pragmatism and common sense by dogma and political correctness in modern Britain.

Mike Race,

Byron Drive, York