Our beloved country for centuries has stood proud, independent, self sufficient; world leaders in invention, an example of political stability.

Yet within 28 months we have become politically unstable and bereft of honest leadership: an island floundering in stormy seas.

Why? Because the Prime Minister, powerful establishment figures, the civil service, a majority of Tory MPs and an opposition party only intent on encouraging chaos, never had any intention of allowing the UK to leave their beloved discredited totalitarian EU organisation.

As a lifelong Conservative I never thought I would write the words: Come the Revolution!

Peter Rickaby,

West Park, Selby

A worthwhile cost to regain sovereignty

WHEN I voted Leave, I did so in the full knowledge that it would involve short term economic disruption, but I regard this as a worthwhile cost of regaining our sovereignty.

In my lifetime practically every member of the EU has been ruled by a particularly unsavoury individual, usually quite happily – Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, Laval, Quisling, Honecker, Horthy, Hoxha, Greek Colonels Junta, Ceausescu to name but the few that I can spell.

At the moment we are half-heartedly trying to escape from a well meaning reasonably tolerant Eurocracy but who knows what is waiting in the wings for the right opportunity to revive the old ways.

I fervently believe that we should participate in the eventual collapse of the current version of the pan-European dream as observers, not players, in our historical role of providing asylum for the losers.

A V Martin,

Westfield Close,


Parliament now in contempt of people

It now appears that Brexit will never happen due to the majority of our parliamentarians already openly stating that they will not allow for a no-deal Brexit to take place.

Our politicians have taken it upon themselves to abandon democracy and the will of the 17.4 million majority who voted to leave the EU: a vote that had the largest political mandate ever in British political history but will ultimately be seen as a useless exercise in the democratic determination of the people.

As May and her government have been found in contempt of Parliament, does this not really mean that our parliamentarians are in contempt of the British people, with the servants becoming the masters?

As Mark Twain once said: “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it”.

I personally believe that this best sums up Brexit from the very start. It was doomed from day one with politicians knowing that in the final analysis the people’s “will” would be subordinate to their “will”.

David Hill,

Northumberland Street, Huddersfield

Moderate Labour could win election

A traditional, moderate, socialist Labour Party would easily win the next general election - if only they were so.

With a Marxist leadership and fellow travellers Momentum now in total control, their ultra Left policies are not a natural favourite of the “Middle England” who usually decide elections.

This could prove their Achilles heel. Moderate Labour MPs seem to have put their principles to one side as they smell power.

Geoff Robb,

Hunters Close,
