A NEW law which will see harsher sentences imposed on those who attack police officers has been welcomed by a senior officer.

Chief Constable Lee Freeman of Humberside Police recently spoke out after a spate of attacks on officers in East Yorkshire, and welcomed the Assaults on Emergency Workers (offences) Act, which came into force on Tuesday.

The new legislation effectively doubles the maximum sentence imposed from six months to a year.

Chief Constable Freeman said: "Whilst we are the police and we do expect to run towards danger, it is not acceptable that we should experience such violence whilst doing our job, and we must take a stand against this.

"The levels of violence we’re experiencing can at times be extremely serious, and the personal impact on those assaulted should not be underestimated.

"Police officers and staff are all real people with families. Every one of those injured this weekend is a mother, father, son daughter or grandparent. They are victims of crime the same as anyone is, and their physical and mental wellbeing is affected by such experiences. I have to protect my officers and staff, and every bit of and support available will be given to anyone who is assaulted at work."