WOMEN are set to take centre stage at next year’s Jorvik Viking Festival in York.

Organisers plan to ‘tell the stories of Viking women beyond the homestead through the voices of seers, queens and shield maidens – a story of women whose influence was as great as any mighty warrior.’ They say there will also be a larger encampment in Parliament Street, and the main stage, hosting presentations and displays, will be in St Sampson’s Square to accommodate growing crowds who come to watch the best beard and strongest Viking competitions.

Sarah Maltby, director of attractions for York Archaeological Trust, which organises the annual event that drew over 63,000 visitors in 2018, said next year’s will take place between February 20 and 27.

She said: “For the last 35 years, the themes of Jorvik Viking Festival have enabled us to tell stories that encompass many different aspects of Viking history, from myths and legends to kings and warriors, and though women have taken key roles in many of the stories, this is the first time we’ve told all of the stories from a female perspective.

“We have some superb source material in the sagas, which enable us to tell stories of exploration, settlement, conquest, magic and nobility from the perspective of powerful women.”

She said characters coming to the fore will include the seeress Thorbjorgr Litilvolva, the colourfully named Sigrid the Haughty and Aud the Deep Minded, and Gunnhild Konungamodir, wife of the last Viking King in York, Eric Bloodaxe, who manoeuvred her sons to positions of power in Scandinavia after Eric’s death.

“Their stories will be presented at Freya’s Banquet on February 22, and re-enacted by a cast of warriors and shield maidens on the evening of February 23 at the Eye of York.”