There were two more fatal stabbings in the national news on Monday.

Recently I sent a letter to The Press about the need to reinstate capital punishment and, as expected, there was a cautionary reply from another reader saying there could always be mistakes made and an innocent person executed.

In this day and age of DNA analysis that is highly unlikely. Be that as it may the criminals have first to be found and arrested. However, and quite inexplicably, police numbers are being reduced!

Our judicial system is crumbling and it is time more effective measures are put in place to halt this degeneration.

The first and obvious thing to do is increase the numbers of police despite the ‘hand-wringers’ who will come-up with the usual, “...and how will we pay for them?”. Reduction in the vast amounts of money sent abroad would be a good starting-point.

Cancellation of the unnecessary HS2 would be another massive source of revenue.

“Suspended” sentences for violent crimes are a total joke and must be replaced by judicial sentences.

Once police forces have been built up once more then the “bobby on the beat” can be reinstated.

As many people of my generation will vouch for seeing a couple of bobbies strolling round the streets has a reassurance that seeing a police car whizzing by, siren blaring, can never attain.

Philip Roe,

Roman Avenue South,

Stamford Bridge, York