HERE'S a prize that should appeal to plenty of Press readers (and writers) - an award for services to pubs.

York is rightly proud of its vast range of pubs, so The Diary was delighted to hear one of our local MPs had scooped this noble and worthy accolade.

John Grogan, MP for Selby, was given the award by national trade magazine The Publican, "in recognition of his services to the pub industry".

Mr Grogan chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group, and has been active in liaising with landlords over issues such as licensing reform and the smoking ban.

Last December, he also tabled an Early Day Motion in Parliament, arguing that bargain basement booze in supermarkets was threatening pubs' trade.

Speaking to The Diary, Mr Grogan said: "I also represent Tadcaster - the only town in England with three breweries in it - so I have a strong constituency interest.

"Obviously, I was very pleased to win this award from The Publican - especially as I write a column for their rival The Morning Advertiser.

"I have always thought that the British Pub plays a vital role in our society."

We'll - hic! - raise a glass to that!

Fully protected

BULLET-proof vests for traffic wardens? Surely not!

The Diary was taken aback this week when, glancing at the jobs section of Wednesday's Press, we came across an ad for a traffic warden - sorry, parking attendant - at City of York Council.

"Uniform and protective clothing provided," it read.

It's a sad state of affairs if traffic wardens are in such danger that they need armour, isn't it?

A quick call to the council cleared things up. The "protective clothing" consists of a thick raincoat. Just as well, given the summer we're having.

Potter vision

SPURIOUS survey of the day comes from the College of Optometrists.

Apparently, speccy wizard Harry Potter is so popular that children who don't even need glasses would be happy to wear them.

In a rank of the regions where more kids are likely to don specs without any need, Yorkshire comes third, behind Wales and the North East.

Does Potter-mania know no bounds?