CONCERNING Jo Haywood's article "Tory family way' wrong direction" (The Press, July 16).

None of us can help our looks or the way our hair grows.

At least the way David Cameron presents himself shows that he has been taught self-discipline and good manners. These are the things so lacking in many young people today.

What is wrong with a "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" facial expression? It's better than some of the villainous "I'm a thug - watch out" expressions we see today. Mr Cameron obviously still believes in the commitment before God for marriage of the Christian faith.

Unfortunately, teaching the Christian faith, once a mandatory part of the school day, has been so watered down and in some cases just about obliterated now in case of offending people of other faiths.

It is no wonder that the shame has gone out of living together or having children out of wedlock. If you asked a group of young people today: "Do you know the Ten Commandments?", they'd ask: "Whose their lead guitarist?"

I have worked with small children whose family members regularly changed from having a new "uncle" to a few weeks later calling him "dad".

A few weeks further on and another new "uncle" in the home, first "dad" having moved on. So the saga went on.

Those children often had numerous behavioural problems and lack of self-confidence because they never knew who they really belonged to.

Let's try bringing back Christian beliefs and way of life, self-discipline and good manners. It would be cheaper, and far better than £20 bribes.

Catherine Parkin, Heather Croft, Huntington, York.