A CHEF who kidnapped and tried to rape a teenager he met outside a York nightclub has been jailed for five years.

Andrew Norris, 35, attacked the 18-year-old after meeting her outside Toffs in Toft Green, and driving her through the city.

Judge Shaun Spencer yesterday sentenced him to five years behind bars, placed him on the Sex Offenders' Register indefinitely, and told how the victim had been put through "hell".

An earlier court heard Norris, of Tudor Road, Acomb, had driven the woman to Renshaw Gardens off Poppleton Road, where he ripped off her top, molested her, got on top of her and told her she would be pregnant by the time he had finished with her.

In a personal statement to the court, the victim said: "I can't wait for this ordeal to be over. I feel like I have been through hell after what that man did to me."

Passing sentence, Judge Spencer said the attack was opportunistic. He said to Norris: "You and the complainant met in the early hours outside a nightclub in York. She had become separated from her friends.

"She wanted to look for them in the nightclub but she had been refused admission. You were simply in the vicinity of the nightclub.

"The complainant had no money for a taxi and one of her shoe heels had been broken and in these circumstances she was facing a two mile walk in the early hours.

"After obtaining a cigarette from you there was some conversation about a lift and you agreed to supply it."

The trial jury heard Norris had tried to rape the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, in his Vauxhall Vectra, but she bit him and screamed, alerting neighbours.

One resident said: "She was screaming, saying No, get off me' and she was really upset." Another neighbour said she had seen the woman - topless and with her trousers pulled down around her thighs - attempting to escape a car.

Judge Spencer told Norris: "Because you were on the verge of being caught in the act you panicked. You bundled her into your car to get away from the scene.

"The offence of kidnapping, however short, would be extremely frightening for the victim.

"She got helped out of the car and you ripped her top and bra. You then made off."

The judge said Norris would be released after serving half his sentence in custody.

Nicholas Johnson, defending, said the pre-sentence report did not suggest Norris posed a significant risk of harm to the public.

He has already spent 269 days in custody, which was taken into account by the judge when sentencing.