N GREEN took exception to the songs sung in the St Sampson’s sing song event (Letters, March 23).

The St Sampson’s Centre is a safe, friendly environment for people over 60 to mix and socialise free from the hustle and bustle of the streets outside.

It’s a place to have a bite to eat, to meet friends for a laugh and a joke, a place make new acquaintances.

The place is full of the hum of conversation and hardly ever confrontation.

So much is said about loneliness as people become more and more singular in their activities.

Face-to-face activities, like darts, dominoes, dancing etc, are now becoming old hat and in terminal decline.

A communal sing-song and in particular a cheerful and carefree music hall song like My Old Man is inoffensive and humorous.

With few exceptions, how many of the modern songs will last the passage of time and be sung or remembered in 50 years time?

D M Deamer, Penleys Grove Street, Monkgate, York