Colleagues and I from Frack Free Pocklington and District went to Northallerton to demonstrate our support and were disgusted at the seven to four decision which opened a real can of worms which the fracking industry will exploit.

The committee chairman’s comment “it is not for us to decide county or national policy” was wrong. Councillor Blackie was right in saying “the massive weight of public objection is a material consideration”.

In voting as they did, councillors have shown complete disregard for the rest of Yorkshire and the feelings of local people.

They should have voted with their hearts and not toed the party line.

As to MP Kevin Hollingrake’s comments on putting safety first, how will this be done when the Government has so drastically cut the Environment Agency’s budget?

Roger Bruton, Broadmanor, Pocklington, York

I read with amazement (The Press, May 24) comments by John Dewar of Third Energy to the North Yorkshire Planning Committee’s hearing on fracking at Kirby Misperton, which he concluded by quoting Churchill.

This quotation, beginning “The truth is incontrovertible…”, seemed intended to suggest, unwisely, that he has a monopoly of truth, while local opponents are motivated by ignorance.

As it happens, he misquoted. What Churchill told the Commons on May 17, 1916, was not “the truth is incontrovertible” but “this truth is incontrovertible” – namely, that aeroplane defence is 95 per effective against Zeppelins.

Perhaps Mr Dewar will explain how this relates to fracking in Ryedale a century later.

That apart: having myself worked on drilling rigs in rural areas, I would remind him that he is coming to a very special place as an uninvited guest, bringing a controversial technology intended to prolong our dependence on fossil fuels – which are as outdated as Zeppelins and far more dangerous.

John Heawood, Eastward Avenue, Fulford, York