TWO people have been recognised for their exceptional service to their village over many years.

John Coombes and Rene Norton were the first recipients of Stamford Bridge Parish Council's new Community Award.

Mr Coombes was given the award at the parish council AGM for all the help he has given at the Methodist Church.

The council told The Press: "Even though he is in his nineties he still looks after his neighbours, supports most charity events and attends Stamford Bridge Parish Council meetings to ask his quota of questions about the village issues."

Rene Norton is also a great supporter of the Methodist Chapel, providing cakes and sausage rolls for coffee mornings, and she is known for having raised funds to buy the millennium clock on the Old Homecare building in the square.

She was unable to attend the AGM due to illness, so her award was received by Mr Ivan Elcock on her behalf.