THE DIRECTOR of Safer York Partnership, Jane Mowat, tells us that her organisation considers an antisocial behavioiur order (ASBO) to be a last resort (Mocking Justice, The Press, May 28).

We are also told that they have worked long and hard to provide support for individuals that have antisocial behaviour problems.

These comments would seem to imply that Mrs Mowat, together with her colleagues, are working for the Department of Social Services. They do not in any way indicate that they are in the business to assist in keeping the law-abiding citizens of York in a safe environment, as their name would suggest.

Jail is the last resort for a lawbreaker, not an ASBO. The latter can only be effective if a term of imprisonment is imposed, if it is breached. Such punishment should be mandatory, if the streets are going to be kept safe.

Nearly half of the ASBOs dished out in York have been violated.

Offenders treat such punishment in a lackadaisical manner and in some cases regard it as a badge of honour.

This needs to be stopped if the legislation is to be effective.

If it is standing room only in the country's jails, then so be it.

J H Roy, Hadrian Avenue, York.