I WONDER what prompted Mr George Appleby to write his letter (That's the way, May 23). Perhaps he is an observer of life like myself.

It is actually fascinating watching peoples' expressions and reactions to an eye-to-eye encounter.

Unfortunately, the wind of change in the 21st century in all aspects of life means there is not a lot of trust any more, and most think there is a hidden agenda behind a smile or a compliment.

But George, (if I may) is so right about how chatting with a perfect stranger can often be a pleasant experience.

My sister and I chat to many people when we are out and about and always find a good deal to laugh at. In fact, it is often better than a visit to the theatre.

It is called communication and we believe it to be the basis of good relationships, bridge-building, and all that.

So thank-you Mr Appleby, we'll join your jolly band of communicators, and keep laughing if we can and smiling - we jokingly call ourselves Elsie and Doris Waters when people ask our names.

If I could see snowflakes through the window today instead of bright sunshine, I would be thinking "Peace on earth and goodwill to all men". God Bless.

Barbara Woodley, Fulford, York.